In conjunction with our partner agency SANSHINE Communications we develop communication concepts for sustainability oriented companies across different types of media and for companies that have sustainability as a corporate strategy. We offer solutions for organisations who integrate economic, ecological and social themes in their overall communication strategies and who seek to deliver their messages in a transparent and focused manner to their target groups. Because credibility is very sexy!
Our clients from the following industries
- food industry,
- services and health industry,
- commercial enterprises and
- mechanical engineering industry
love our concepts and their products and services have enjoyed considerable success in their respective industries.
Our Clients:
Brot für die Welt
Esslingen Live Kultur- und Kongress GmbH
Mariaberg e. V.
Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Württemberg e. V.
s.Bar – Natürlich nachhaltig
Lesen leicht gemacht
Hafner-Muschler GmbH
Zillertal Tourismus GmbH